Mommy's been a bit busy these days!! Let's play catch up a bit!
Around 14 weeks I felt Lily move for the first time!! I would mostly feel her at night or when I was crouched. What a wonderful feeling!
18 weeks I started to feel her move much more and with more strength! The feeling of kicks or punches is pretty low in my abdomen.
2-17-2011 @ 10:25p.m. I felt Lily kick and actually SAW my BELLY MOVE!!! :) It was so funny...too bad Daddy was working.
19 weeks-Let the water aerobics begin!! This week Lily started moving like crazy, or at least I started to feel her move much more! :)
21 weeks-the kicks definitely have a schedule and continue to get stronger. Peak play time is from 8:30-9:30pm. :)
Christian can't wait to be a big brother!! :)