Birthday Ticker

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Babies, Babies, & more Babies!

Lily's newest cousin Colin Michael was born Tuesday, July 20th in Port Saint Lucie. We took a trip to meet our little Colin Bear. Check out the new BFF's. :-)
This is their first picture together when they met for the first time.

They like to hang out bouncy style... Lol

My big brother, Proud Papa

Lily's so excited to be a big cousin!

She can't wait to meet her next little cousin Elliot James any day now!

October 2nd, just shy of 3 months!

This month has been a fun one for sure... Lily is learning and growing so much every day. She is more like a 4 month old than a two month old this month. She loves to stare while people talk to her and you can tell she is really taking it all in. She cracks herself up and it is the cutest thing in the world when she gets that big wide smile on her face and shows off those big dimples!

Our little wiggle worm is trying her hardest to grab things. She has a dangling butterfly on her car seat that she swats at with all her might and a singing bird on her play mat that she catches a hold of while playing around on her back. She is trying to pull herself up like you would in a sit up, she can almost get her shoulders off the ground when she really works at it. If she is not flat on her back she can accidentally roll over to her belly. Before we know it she will be running all over this house and loving every second of it!

This month she is beginning to like her swing, which she previously wanted nothing to do with! She will sit and swing even put herself to sleep if she is sleepy enough. For little miss this is great because she loves to be rocked but normally wants a human standing up and moving around to rock her to sleep! As much as we all love to hold her at 15lbs sometimes it's not as easy as you would think! LOL

GrandPam bought her a Johnny Jumper Bouncy this month and as one would bet she LOVES it! It gives her that illusion of walking which she so believes she is ready to do! She bounces all around with a big Lily smile on her face!

Check her out!

YouTube Video

Saturday, October 1, 2011

September 7th, 2011, 2 Months Old

You found the fan this month & you LOVE it! Any fan, any room! You are starting to stay awake more and more. You enjoy playing on your activity mat while you try to reach for the toys. You are still learning to control your arms but have great control of your head and neck. You love to talk and have conversations! Your coo is the cutest sound!

Such a big girl! 23 1/2 inches and 15 pounds! ;-) haha

August 7th, 2011, 1 Month Old

Toward the end of the first month you started smiling more socially. You have beautiful dimples like Mommy, Daddy's blue eyes and adorable chubby cheeks! We are up to 22 1/4 inches and 11 pounds! :-) Who was worried about weight??

5 Days Old...Time for a photo shoot!!

Check out a few of my favorites!

Our First Week Home

These pictures sum up our first week pretty well!

Baby sleeps...we sleep! :-)

Lily had her two week check up on Tuesday, July 26th with Dr. Singh. Lily passed with flying colors gaining weight and weighing in at 9lbs! Woo Hoo! This was a big relief to mommy & daddy because at her first check up on Monday, July 11th Dr. Singh was a little worried that Lily wasn't gaining enough weight. Lily did we know what was to

Where have the past (almost) 3 months gone??

We spent two days at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital where Lily was visited by many friends and family members.

We were supposed to stay until Sunday but Mommy was itching to bring her baby girl home and recovering at a great rate so the doctors allowed us to leave on strict orders that I take it easy for the next two weeks. Who was I fooling? Meee take it easy, not in my vocabulary... Needless to say Supermom pulled a stitch. It was minor though, nothing to worry about! :-) it just freaked Daddy out a little bit... Oops! Other than that my recovery was smooth and Lily was growing stronger and bigger each day! She was lifting her head and controlling her neck much faster than we and the doctors expected.

Take a peek at a few homecoming pictures.

Junie, meet your little sister Lily!

Where have the past (almost) 3 months gone??

So, a lot has happened since the birth of our precious Lily Pea! Let me catch you all up! :)

Let's start with the beginning. Lily Madison Scully was born on Thursday, July 7th, 2011 @ 11:19am. She weighed 8lbs 8oz and was 20 inches long. She had a head full of beautiful black hair and blueish gray eyes. Lily was wide eyed and ready to meet the world from the moment she was born. Her bright eyes, beautiful smile, and dimples all made her so precious! Daddy was so excited to finally meet her that he couldn't contain himself; he cried. It was a precious moment for our family. <3

Here we go!!!

Here are a few first pictures.

Big Brother Christian loves his Little Sister Lily <3

Daddy changing his first diaper!