Sunday, February 19, 2012
Morning conversations with Lily
Lily and I like to talk while we eat in the morning. This morning we had quite a little conversation. She didn't say many words but she did have a lot say.

Mommy's Sweet Valentine
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Almost on the move!
Lily is almost on the move! She is trying so hard to crawl and she is oh, so close!! I give her two weeks... I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I guess we need to start baby proofing! :-) oh, and don't forget to catch all the Mama's in this video! :-)) Too sweet!
I can say 'Mama' :-)
I have been trying for weeks to say Mama and yesterday I finally figured it out!! :-) Yay! I <3 Mama!
I am also getting my 4th tooth! My top left canine, to match the one on the right! I'm getting so big!
At 7 months I now weigh in at 26lbs and 28 inches long. I am rolling and pulling myself all over the house, crawling is right around the corner for me!
I am starting day care with a new lady on Monday and I am very excited!
Pop bought me a walker this month and so far I know how to walk backwards in it and I love the music it plays. That's where I was when mommy took the video of me saying 'Mama' :-)
My newest nephew Riley Allen Poole was born on February 1st. A beautiful 6lbs 3oz. I can wait to meet him!

Isn't he precious!?
I am also getting my 4th tooth! My top left canine, to match the one on the right! I'm getting so big!
At 7 months I now weigh in at 26lbs and 28 inches long. I am rolling and pulling myself all over the house, crawling is right around the corner for me!
I am starting day care with a new lady on Monday and I am very excited!
Pop bought me a walker this month and so far I know how to walk backwards in it and I love the music it plays. That's where I was when mommy took the video of me saying 'Mama' :-)
My newest nephew Riley Allen Poole was born on February 1st. A beautiful 6lbs 3oz. I can wait to meet him!
Isn't he precious!?
Lucky Number 3
Monday, January 30, 2012
And so it begins... Buhba!
Today, Sunday, January 29th 2012 Lily has been talking up a storm as usual with her babbles of sounds but one sound that is reoccuring is her buhba, buhba...Well her Bubba is her favorite person and she simply lights up when she sees him near so it would make perfect sense for her first word to be Bubba. :) Here she is sitting up and playing with her toys calling for buhba. :) Simply adorable!
Half a year old...
January 25th. 6 1/2 months old. 24.4lbs and 27 1/4 inches. This month I sit up on my own, roll all over, eat three meals a day, and love to laugh and play! I talk all day long.
Lily really is learning so much this month soaking up as much of the world around her as she can and trying oh so hard to talk! She has learned that she can manipulate her tongue to make different sounds so she plays with that quite a bit trying her best to figure this talking thing out. She squeals when she is excited and loves to laugh and play! She is now more fond of tummy time as she is stronger and can support herself better. She is able to pull herself around on the floor to get to her toys and rolls all over. :-)
Today was the first day we fed her three solid meals and she loved it! I didn't think she was quite ready but the doctor said she should be eating that much a d that she was more than ready so we gave it a shot and she loved it! These days she eats all kids of fruits and veggies. We are now eating stage two baby foods so they have a few types of fruits or veggies mixed together. There are even some protiens.
Before we know it she will be crawling all over the house!
So happy to be a half a year old! :)
Lily really is learning so much this month soaking up as much of the world around her as she can and trying oh so hard to talk! She has learned that she can manipulate her tongue to make different sounds so she plays with that quite a bit trying her best to figure this talking thing out. She squeals when she is excited and loves to laugh and play! She is now more fond of tummy time as she is stronger and can support herself better. She is able to pull herself around on the floor to get to her toys and rolls all over. :-)
Today was the first day we fed her three solid meals and she loved it! I didn't think she was quite ready but the doctor said she should be eating that much a d that she was more than ready so we gave it a shot and she loved it! These days she eats all kids of fruits and veggies. We are now eating stage two baby foods so they have a few types of fruits or veggies mixed together. There are even some protiens.
Before we know it she will be crawling all over the house!
So happy to be a half a year old! :)
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Sippy Cups & Big Girl Food
Lily has her first cold this week. We had to take a trip to the doctor who says Lily has a chest cold and is starting to get an ear infection too. :-( She is so congested that she is wheezing a bit and having a hard time breathing. The doctor had us try a breathing treatment with thoughts of asthma, but Lil did not respond to the Albuterol so we were prescribed an antibiotic and a steroid to give her for five days. You can see her little red eyes and nose I this picture of her trying out her new sippy cup! Such a big girl!

Lily eating her big girl chicken and vegetable dinner. January 18th.

Lily eating her big girl chicken and vegetable dinner. January 18th.
Precious Baby Girl Moments & Abby Cadaby
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!
That's right folks! Just three short days after Christmas Lily, Christian, and I were enjoying a great day at Sea World when all of the sudden I noticed two very sharp new additions to my baby girls gums. :) Two bottom front teeth! v

They are not so easily seen just yet, but believe me they are there! Lily is so excited to have her two front teeth!! :-)
They are not so easily seen just yet, but believe me they are there! Lily is so excited to have her two front teeth!! :-)
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Roll, Baby, Roll!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
December 7th, 2011 5 Months Old
There's no way it's been 5 months already!! Wow...Where does the time go? Seriously, this precious angel of mine is growing by the second and I can't keep up! Maybe I should stop feeding her, so she stops growing? No, I guess that wouldn't work... {sigh} I'll just have to deal with her getting bigger. :)
Well, this month we weigh in at 26 1/4 inches and 24.4 pounds! I told you! Growing like crazy!
She is trying her hardest to roll over from her back to her belly. She gets all the way over on her side and just can't figure out how to pull out that bottom arm yet. There are times where she will figure it out accidentally but not often. Her most common trick is the 180..You put her on her playmat, turn your back, count to 3, turn back around, and somehow she has turned half way around..Wiggle Worm! :)
The first 3 months of life this little angel didn't want a thing to do with being on her belly, but this month she is embracing it! She wants to be on the move oh so bad! I really don't think she will crawl all that much. I think the second she realizes how to work those legs and lift herself up she will be off and running! She is very strong already, she spends so much time in her Johnny Jumper that she thinks she can walk! Sometimes when I am a few feet away and playing with her she gets all excited and pulls at the jumper just trying so hard to move it closer to me. :) It's too cute!
Sleep is also her friend this month, and boy does it scare Daddy and I at times! On December 13th, Lily slept for 8 hours straight at night from 8:00-4:30am. We are used to her waking up at least once around 12-1 for a feeding or even just comfort. Daddy was the first to wake and with a startle he jumped out of bed to check on her, for sure something was wrong! Puzzled, he walked back to bed confused at how she was still sleeping! LOL For about a month now, even though she has been sleeping in her crib she has had a pretty solid schedule of the following:
5:00 Nap
6:00 Dinner (Solids & Nursing)
Bath & Playtime
7:30 Bedtime
8:30 Wake up {not fully, just wanting to be soothed back to sleep}
12:30-1 Wake-Soothed to sleep
3-4:00 Wake for feeding then sleep until 6:00
Her new schedule now that the solids are fully incorporated as a nighttime meal and she is more comfortable with her room...
8:00 Bedtime
sometimes 1-2 wake and sooth back to sleep
4:30 Feeding and back to sleep
6:00 Wake up on school days 8:00-8:30 on weekends
Happy as can be! :)
She just can't contain her joy and I love every second of it! :)
I could stare at her for hours...
Toes!! What?! Where have you been all my {5 whole months of} life!?
She was determined to get them in her mouth!!
Oh Christmas Tree!
My two little Christmas Angels :) We are so blessed!
Daddy dressed up on Saturday afternoon to play Santa at the bank. Kids from all over town came to see him as he handed out candy canes and fresh $2.00 bills. So of course we had to go too! :)
Daddy playing a great Santa! :) Lily wasn't the least bit scared of her Dada. Too Cute!
Daddy playing a great Santa! :) Lily wasn't the least bit scared of her Dada. Too Cute!
Those sweet baby blues
We had our first Family Photo Shoot at Goodwood Plantation and ended up with some great photos! Thanks Mike & Amanda! :)
After our family photo fun it was time to buy our Christmas tree so we headed over to the Boy Scouts on Bannerman Road. We love going there each year, they have great trees, fire pits, and free hot cocoa! :) However, this year they were just a bit pricey so we settled for a Walmart tree..LOL Hey, it does the job!
We still took advantage of a great photo moment with the kids.
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