January 25th. 6 1/2 months old. 24.4lbs and 27 1/4 inches. This month I sit up on my own, roll all over, eat three meals a day, and love to laugh and play! I talk all day long.
Lily really is learning so much this month soaking up as much of the world around her as she can and trying oh so hard to talk! She has learned that she can manipulate her tongue to make different sounds so she plays with that quite a bit trying her best to figure this talking thing out. She squeals when she is excited and loves to laugh and play! She is now more fond of tummy time as she is stronger and can support herself better. She is able to pull herself around on the floor to get to her toys and rolls all over. :-)
Today was the first day we fed her three solid meals and she loved it! I didn't think she was quite ready but the doctor said she should be eating that much a d that she was more than ready so we gave it a shot and she loved it! These days she eats all kids of fruits and veggies. We are now eating stage two baby foods so they have a few types of fruits or veggies mixed together. There are even some protiens.
Before we know it she will be crawling all over the house!
So happy to be a half a year old! :)
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