Birthday Ticker

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fetal development in pregnancy week 32

Approximate ~length 17 in | 43 cm ~weight 4 lbs | 1.8 kg

In the latest womb reports, our amazing baby has now developed sensitivity to temperature! Which means I'm likely to get a swift kick if I put a hot pad or bag of ice on my ginormous belly.

For the Elton John lovers out there - baby’s got blue eyes.

Actually, even if you're too young to know who Elton is, all babies have blue eyes at this point. This could easily change after birth (or even between now and labor), but for the time being, blue it is.

Thanks to their recently matured lungs and a strengthening immune system, over 90% of babies born in their 32nd week survive!

So - go ahead and throw a mini-party right now because it’s pretty much a done deal - we've got a human-bean that's going to make it!

That's not to say we actually want our wee womb-squatter to pack her bags and move out now, because she'd still end up in the ICU for a good while, rather than in our arms at home.

Babies are best when fully baked! Only 7 more weeks to go!!! :D

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