On November 30th the family was enjoying our luxurious sloppy joe dinner while you eyed away at Mommy's plate...It has now been 2 1/2 weeks since we first attempted to feed you solid foods and you sure seemed interested. I thought I would test the waters by offering you a small {miniscule} piece of my bun. You went to town and eyed me down for more! So, I put my plate away and got to work whipping up some rice cereal for you, added some Mommy milk and warmed it up a bit. YOU CHOWED DOWN! :)
From that night on we ate rice cereal after your 5:00pm nap. You started with 1TBS but quickly moved up to eating 3TBS at a time.
On December 8th, after a whole week of eating rice cereal, we attempted our first fruit, bananas! Well, you hated it! You made yucky faces and spit it out! Experts say that it may take up to 10 tastes of a food for a baby to like them so I was determined to try again the next day. December 9th was even worse; you cried! After that I didn't think it was worth it to try a 3rd time...maybe in a few months, but not now. So we went back to eating rice cereal.
On December 14th, I decided it was time to try something new. This time I chose sweet potatoes and it was definitely a sweet success! You LOVED them! Today is December 17th, your 4th day of eating sweet potatoes and you just can't get enough of them! It's great!

What should we try next?? :)
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